Care Plans

Version 5 of the CYPACP is now available to use. 

This page contains below links to the Advance Care Planning document templates available and information on how to complete the document..

Please note that these care plans have been the culmination of input, collaboration and lots of hard work from many people, recognising the variety of needs of both users and authors of these documents.  They also incorporate all of the NICE guidance around advance care planning in children and young people.

As such, please do not delete sections (with the exception of ante-natal versions – see below).  Some families/professionals may not wish to complete all sections initially (it is not compulsory to fill in all sections).  However, they should be left in the document in case discussion around these areas occurs at a later stage

Care Plan Versions

ReSPECT or alternative Emergency Management documents

Versions are available both for those wishing to use ReSPECT and those who have not adopted ReSPECT.  This is in keeping with our vision to standardise care planning throughout the whole of the UK and recognising that some areas use ReSPECT whilst others do not.

Ante-natal or “Standard” (for all patient groups other than ante-natal)

When producing the latest version of the CYPACP (Version5), particular attention has gone into ensuring it is suitable for all babies, infants, children and young adults.  For all other patient groups (with the exception of the ante-natal group) the Standard Advance Care Plan is suitable.

For the ante-natal group, however, the management of the mother and her unborn baby, and the management of the baby at birth, require additional information.  Recognising a need for standardisation and the fact that babies often survive the initial period around birth (including those with palliative needs), we have decided that the best way to manage this is to have a separate Ante-natal Care Plan.

The additional information required for the ante-natal and “at birth” period is detailed in two additional pages over that of the Standard Advance Care Plan.  Should the baby survive this initial period, these additional pages (ie the “Perinatal Details/Management” page and the “Management of baby at birth” page) can be deleted leaving the usual Standard Advance Care Plan, which should then be suitable for the remainder of the baby/child/young person’s life without having to re-introduce another care plan to the family.

We hope that the ante-natal example documents will also help explain this process (see below).  The

Standard Advance Care Plan (with and without ReSPECT)

Ante-natal Advance Care Plan (with and without ReSPECT)

Please also find links to the guidance pages on how to complete these

Example documents – Ante-natal, Post-natal and Transition –
can be found here